Modern-day Nomads in a High-tech Covered Wagon

I’ve launched this site to document our upcoming RV adventure in crossing America as modern-day nomads in a high-tech covered wagon. Our site may be more aptly called “Where in the World are the Millers Now!?!?” sung to the tune of “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego!?!”  Beth and I (and our trusted 4 pound Maltese companion, Toby) are excited about our upcoming lifetime-in-the-making adventure, and hope to make our posts enjoyable, light-hearted, informative and entertaining for our family, friends and acquaintances.

RV-Adams-Motor-Bungalo-1917We’ve named our high-tech covered RV wagon, “Thumper,” after the Disney character and stuffed animal that I gave Beth pre-1983, the year of our marriage. 400000586649Our RV is slightly updated from this 1917 model pictured here?!?  This blog creation has been patterned after our niece and nephew’s blog, “Where are the Stablers.”  While we will be on wheels cross-country, they are heading out next week by foot for the next 6 months to walk the entire 2000+ miles of the Appalachian Trail!  We hope to follow them as they follow us. Bon voyage! Stay tuned. Carpe diem!    -m2

“Go where you’ve never been. Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known”…  Carl Sagan

Greetings from Mark, Beth and Toby. We’re planning a cross-country RV adventure to discover America and become modern-day nomads in a high-tech covered wagon. The timing is perfect. After 25 years, I retired from my private medical practice of plastic & reconstructive surgery and we have become empty-nesters. Our son, Will, lives in Shanghai; our daughter, Victoria Campbell, teaches K/1 Special Education in Lynchburg with her 2nd year Liberty Law student husband, Colin; & our daughter, Shelby, is a freshman at UNC-Chapel Hill.

“There’s just something about taking your home with you, stopping wherever you want to and being in the comfort of your own home, being able to cook your own meals, that has really appealed to people.” -David Woodworth, RV Historian.




The recreational vehicle turns 100 years old this year. According to the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association, about 8.2 million households now own RVs. They travel for 26 days and an average of 4,500 miles annually. About 450,000 of them are full-time RVers. This site chronicles the planning, preparation, and adventurous travels of one of those households. Come join us…

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” (Mark Twain, 1835-1910, American author and commentator, aka Samuel L Clemens)







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