Millers in France

DSC01140DSC01502DSC01921Wow! What fun to spend a week on Ile de Re, the west coast of France island best viewed by bicycling. We had a wonderful time with our good friends, David & Patrice Newman & Emmanuel & Natalie Rodes & their children. Victoria & Shelby met us in Paris where we rented a car to drive to the island. We departed for Paris Saturday where we were met by Victoria’s husband, Colin, and our German exchange student “adopted” daughter, Janina. It was a magical July 2013!!! Beth & I were fortunate to live in Paris in the 1980’s as a young couple during my fellowship training!!!  m&b

“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” –Ernest Hemingway






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