Will Miller

Will (23) graduated UNC-Chapel Hill Phi Beta Kappa in May and continues to thrive. He graduated with a Psychology degree and a minor in Entrepreneurship. He was awarded a Kenan Scholarship and worked in Thailand with the Kenan Institute of Asian Studies on community based tourism over the summer. He then traveled on to China working with Hatsune, a restaurant corporation he had interned with the year before. He finished in Beijing and Shanghai in December and met Beth and me in Bangkok to spend 12 days exploring Thailand. We were able to visit Jenjira, the 8 year old child we sponsor through the Christian’s Childrens Fund. We were blessed to have him come home with us for Christmas. We both left Bangkok within 5 minutes of each other with Will traveling west via London over the Atlantic Ocean route and Beth & I traveling east via Tokyo over the Pacific Ocean arriving in Raleigh within hours of each other!?!?!? Will, who now speaks Chinese, has now been offered a managerial job with Hatsune at their new restaurant opening at the Shanghai Expo 2010, the largest world event in world history! The Expo is expecting 70 million visitors with Will’s sushi restaurant to serve ~ 4,000 customers/day! Check out the websites: en.expo2010.cn and www.hatsunesushi.com. There is also a great video presentation of the Expo at: http://en.expo2010.cn/sr/video/index.htm






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